Adult Programs

Shrewsbury SpringSummer 2024 BrochureView Spring/Summer 2024 Shrewsbury Activity Guide Now

To Register for programs, Call Shrewsbury Parks and Recreation
at 314.647.1003
or register in person at the Shrewsbury City Center. 

Find Adult Fitness Programs Here

Card Club - CopyCard & Game Club
Introducing our Senior Card and Game Club–an engaging activity tailored to seniors who have a passion for camaraderie, strategy, and friendly competition. This club is a haven for those who appreciate the joy of traditional card games, table and board games, and who seek to forge meaningful connections while indulging in their favorite pastimes. Enjoy games over coffee and light refreshments.

Date: 2nd Thursday of the Month
Time: 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Fee: $2 per day

Women's Self Defense - CopySelf-Defense for Women
Protect yourself with confidence through our self-defense training, where you'll learn practical techniques for staying safe in any situation. This course is centered on empowering the students. The knowledgeable instructors walk students through situational awareness, skill building and conclude with scenario-based learning and question and answers. The instructors provide a safe environment for students to ask questions and provide feedback. Students will leave with basic self-defense skills to avoid, confront and confidently assert themselves with aggressive individuals. This course lays the foundational principles of self-defense skills. Taught by Tae Kwon Do experts from Blue Wave Life.

Dates: Saturday, April 27th or August 24th
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
Ages: 10 and up
Fee: $30

05871FC2-2505-4D0D-902A-95359E143B35Sourdough Workshop
Join Rooted Provisions for a Sourdough Workshop at Shrewsbury City Center. Interested in sourdough, but don’t know where to begin? In this beginner-level class, we will demystify the entire process step-by-step. Participants will receive ingredients and hands-on instruction to create their loaf and a starter to take with them. Learn how to feed your sourdough starter to make endless sourdough loaves on your own. Please bring a medium mixing bowl and a wooden spoon. Feel free to BYOB and enjoy the provided snacks.

Dates: Saturday, April 6th or May 4th
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Fee: $65 per date (all bread supplies included)

Walk with Ease - CopyWalk with Ease
Walk with Ease is the Arthritis Foundation’s six-week program to teach you how to safely make physical activity part of your everyday life. The class includes a guidebook and walking schedule to get you moving towards better health. Presented by University of Missouri-Extension. Weekly, In-Person Education on Mondays, Walking Group meets at the City Center 2 days per week to walk together, schedule TBD, or walk on your own.

Dates: Classroom Mondays, May 6 - June 17 (No Class 5/27)
Walking Group: Twice a week, Schedule TBD
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 am
Fee: Free to attend, Pre-Registration Required

Canning 101 - CopyYou Can, Can! Waterbath Canning 101
Interested in preserving garden produce? Aiming to cut food waste and save money? Home food preservation classes can help! Not all recipes found on the web or passed down by family are scientifically tested. Unsafe recipes and procedures may result in severe illness. University of Missouri Extension is committed to using the latest research-based guidelines to give consumers the tools they need to safely succeed when preserving food at home. Join us for a hands-on workshop to learn how to preserve food using water bath canning.

Date: Saturday, July 13th
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Fee: $25

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy - CopyStay Strong, Stay Healthy
Stay Strong, Stay Healthy is an evidence-based senior strength training program. Over 8 weeks, participants will learn exercises to improve strength, flexibility and balance as well as learn about nutrition. At each class, a prescribed set of eight upper and lower body strengthening exercises are completed along with warm-up and cool-down stretches. Participants are made to feel comfortable regardless of their current fitness level so they can safely participate and gradually build the strength beneficial to health. Hand weights and ankle weights will be provided. Presented by University of Missouri-Extension. Adults of all ages welcome.

Dates: Tuesdays and Fridays, July 23 - September 13
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 am
Fee: $60

Backyard Chickens - CopyIntro to Backyard Chickens
Did you know many municipalities in the area allow residents to have chickens? Are you interested in raising backyard chickens of your own? Looking to expand your current backyard operation? Maintaining a small poultry flock can be rewarding and will provide an opportunity for various family members to participate in animal care. Chickens are best maintained as a flock and are well suited for such management. Join us for an informational session to explore what is necessary to care for a small chicken flock, as well as different types of chickens and the benefits of eggs. Check your specific municipal/county codes for chicken permit requirements. Presented by University of Missouri-Extension. Click Here for City of Shrewsbury Chicken Permit.

Date: Saturday, August 10th
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 am
Fee: $10

Greater St. Louis Dog Training Programs
The Greater Saint Louis Training Club is a non-profit 501c3 organization that advocates and delivers innovative force-free canine training, sponsors events, and provides education for dog enthusiasts to advance the human-canine bond. All of our training starts with the Just for You Behavior and Training Seminar (BAT 101). The BAT 101 seminar will get you prepared for our puppy and family dog classes, as we cover state-of-the-art training methods, leadership, and training equipment. You’ll learn the most effective way to train your dog, how to manage common behavior problems, and how to prepare for class. This 90-minute online presentation provides you with a solid foundation for your first class.
To register for the seminar, go to our website and under the login tab create a new student account. You will need to add your dog in order to register for any dog training classes. After the Behavior and Training Seminar, register for Puppy Kindergarten or Foundation Manners, based on your pet’s age. All puppies attending class must have Bordetella and at least one round of DHPP. Each dog is allowed up to 2 handlers. Behavior and Training Seminar: $25 Five Session Training Pass: $150

Puppy KINDERGARTEN: Open for puppies between 8-14 weeks old. Our puppy socialization classes are uniquely designed to take advantage of your puppy’s developmental periods. These classes allow opportunities for off-leash socialization with other puppies so your puppy can learn or build on good social skills.

Foundation Manners: For dogs over 16 weeks old. When you want a well-mannered family dog, your dog needs to learn helpful obedience skills. Whether your dog is a complete novice or a seasoned old-timer who is new in your home, you and your dog will benefit! With this class, we help you and your dog progress through a Good Dog and Super Dog level. Then you are eligible to take more advanced classes in the future.